Plow Plane
Made from shop scrapes of Maple, Cherry and Walnut this was copied from an old plane bought at a barn auction for $2.
Oakstrip Lamp
Rolling Pin Rack
Gun Cabinet
Minature Doll Trunk
Doll Trunk
Antique Parking Meter
As you can see, woodworking is not the only craft I dwell in. This Antique Parking Meter was brought to me to refinish. It had been made into a lamp and painted an ugly green to match an office it was used in. Although it couldn't be classified as a true antique due to it's modification, I stripped off the paint and polished the aluminum to what is shown. The mechanism is set up so that any coin inserted will light the lamp, quite unique and a fun project.
Kitchen Corner Cabinet
Garden Shed
1973 Chevelle SS
Everyone needs a pickup so having a love for antique vehicles I purchase this as a fix'r up'r. It was quite a mess when I first got it- broken down bed, back window & side windows broke, worn out inline six cylinder motor, barely any brakes but I hobbled home with it and after a few years of work ended up with this. Sporting a built-up 302 motor, automatic transmission, new supension, wiring, brakes, wheels and tires, it serves me very well in hauling my lumber, and turns a few heads also!
53 Ford F-100
School House Clock
Garden Bench
This bench was made for my wife's garden and made of a cut off piece of cherry log, finished in Tung Oil.
School House Clock
Shaker Sewing Table
Shaker Sewing Table