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![Dublin and Daddy](https://reidsmith.tripod.com/webonmediacontents/354228.jpg?1616418456976)
![Lacy and Dublin](https://reidsmith.tripod.com/webonmediacontents/354229.jpg?1616418456940)
![Grandma and I](https://reidsmith.tripod.com/webonmediacontents/354230.jpg?1616418456992)
Hi everyone, I'm the newest member of the household and Granddad is really proud of me so he let me have a whole page on his site just to keep you updated on my progress. My parents, Justin and Lacy are real excited and I have the best time with them since I don't need much other than sleep, a little milk but most of all a lot of loving and right now I get a lot of that from everyone. My Grandma's are both in second heaven and I get a lot of attention from both so it will be fun to see who I can spoil first!
Granddad has already named me ShopBoss, so look for upcoming projects and articles, of course allow me some growing time, but I think I'll be a great addition to the shop, so Granddad says!
Dublin Cooper Smith
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